Friday, December 28, 2007

FOREX Trading With Managed Accounts

FOREX is seen in more and more portfolioss since the currency exchange realm has opened up to the small investor. However, working 9 to 5 doesn't always leave room to trade the market on a consistent basis. Aspiring traders who still work day jobs are looking for ways to enter into the foreign exchange market without having to invest hours in front of the computer. Many brokers have found this as a great opportunity to offer automated systems and managed accounts to those looking for a more passive income.

Typically the minimum investment for a Managed FOREX account ranges anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 leaving the very small investors out of the loop. Managed accounts can either earn money or lose money, there are no guarantee's that opening a managed account will be a profitable venture.
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A modest managed account whether it is traded by another person or an automated robot can earn up to 20% per month or more depending on how good the system is. There have been stories of managed accounts earning 20 times the amount they started with in a year's time. However, finding an automated system that is consistently profitable is a difficult challenge and most accounts are on the slower side of about 5% to 10% per month.
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Managed accounts may be a good way to leap into the FOREX while receiving professional training and learning how to trade for yourself. Ultimately, a good trader fine tunes their own trading system and learns how the market reacts to specific news and patterns.

Searching for a good managed FOREX account is not an easy task. Some trading systems take too many trades causing the trader to margin out too soon or give poor signals all together. Be sure that a trading system is able to back up its data with proven results and back tests their system in real-time.
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Choosing an automated trading system with the highest monthly returns isn't always the best choice. Depending on the broker that is managing your account and their ability to pay out is what counts the most. There are hundreds of FOREX brokers and not every broker is able to fill positions on trades. Brokers come and go everyday, make sure the broker you chose is established, registered and has credibility within the market.
-$7 trades, no share limit. In-depth research, no account maintenance.

Educating oneself on the FOREX market can help enhances chances of making money in the FOREX. After all 95% of FOREX traders go home broke everyday. Use a managed account while learning how to trade. Once the fundamentals of the market are established begin executing small trades in a demo account to obtain a better understating of the FOREX beast.
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Tim Rohrer is an established writer and trader. To learn more about trading Forex, visit

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